Typically, once your sites have been launched onto the Dataweavers platform you would decommission your legacy Sitecore environments. This is not within the scope of the Dataweavers onboarding process, and is generally considered to be in scope for your digital partner, as well as whoever is currently running the tenancy.
From a Dataweavers point of view, once you are live with the new site there should be no remaining dependencies on your existing tenancy and it can be decommissioned without any impacts.
Depending on your existing environment, the technical process may be as simple as:
- shut down all VMs and App Services, and stop all resources
- undertake a short period (1-2 weeks) of monitoring for any issues
- delete your environment.
However, this process is to be planned, managed and carried out by your existing team/partner.
We recommend keeping your old environment available to be cut back to in an emergency for 1-2 weeks post-launch, and anything longer would be at your discretion.
Maintaining your old environment for this period allows time to ensure the new environment is stable. It also provides an emergency rollback strategy should this be needed, although user acceptance testing (UAT) is undertaken on the new Production environment before launch to minimize the likelihood that a rollback is needed.
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